Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 17: Boti Falls and a Surprise Guest!

Today was our first true Touristy trip. We all clambered into a taxi van and began our journey to Boti Falls. On the way, we obtained FanIce a soft vanilla ice cream you squeeze from a package! Yum. When we got to Boti Falls, we noticed huge throngs of students from around Ghana; they were wearing matching shirts or polos and as soon as we got out of our van we were kind of bombarded with plantain chips and candy, some of which we bought. So we went along with a tour guide down to Boti Falls, which was just a staircase away from where the plaza we parked our van was. There are two falls actually, one male and one female, from two rivers that had joined up at one point on their way to the falls but then diverged again due to a large rock. They were discovered in the 50s I think and the name comes from a foreigner's inability to pronounce the full name of the area (something-boti) so the name got shortened to Boti Falls. Then we stopped for a bit to eat more plantain chips, and began hiking up a trail to who knows where.

Sammy was a bit tired by this point, and for good reason. Some of the drops were like 90 degrees and there were some climbs where you had to be on all 4s to get up. Finally we reached our destination which was this large flat rock balancing on this other rock. And the view was amazing too. Lots of obronis on the way too. (Obronis being foreigners, like us). Anyways, after we made our way back to Obodan, we still had work to do: move 300 blocks from central Obodan to Anoff, a satellite of Obodan about a 30 second truck ride away. So we loaded 100 blocks at a time onto the flatbed truck, road with it to the site, then unloaded it all around where the pit was dug. These blocks would be the eventual substructure! Also, Clay and Chelsea and some ELiTE friends decided to visit Obodan and stay the night and even helped with the blocks.

After playin a little frisbee and soccer at dusk, we spent the night in Nsawam chilling at McDonal's and came back and collapsed from exhaustion. Also, tmrw we have to get up super early to make it onto the cruise on Lake Volta...

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