Friday, August 17, 2012

Botanical Gardens

Today we went to the Aburi botanical gardens to lend moral support to Sammy while he rand for presiding member in the assembly against 3 other people. Before the voting took place however one of the people dropped out of the race since he would have split the votes with Sammy. The first round of the election Sammy got 13 votes opponent 1 got 11 votes and opponent 2 got 6 votes. Since someone needs 2/3 majority to win they had to do a run off election between the top two individuals. During this round Sammy was able to get 16 votes while his opponent remained with the 11, 4 people decided not to vote. Since no majority still happened they have to wait 14 days before having a third election to decided who will win.

Sammy explained the difficulty with getting enough votes as it coming down to money. Since his assembly position is not paid, other members use elections like these to try get a little money from the job. Sammy however is confident he will be able to rangle enough votes to win the position in 2 weeks.

After the elections we went to a restaurant in the gardens where we had an atypical meal of fish and fried rice. Later we went to Sammy's uncle's house where we collected some oranges and watched part of a brilliant UK movie with the gore of Saw. We also headed to a part of Aburi to check out how there tap water systems operate and saw one which was family owned and sold the water per bucket to surrounding houses as well as allowing people to pipe it to there own homes for a fee. This is something we might consider in the future.

We got back when it was late and had some african noodles with corned beef vegetables before sleeping.

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