Thursday, January 6, 2011

Proxy post - Ghana Winter 2011 trip begins!

Hello everyone,

Our three intrepid travelers, Suraj, Garrison and Mike, have arrived in Obodan and started testing for the latrine and water projects. Since they are all so busy, I've decided to help share the news of their work. Here's a summary of the most recent updates:

"So far we did some pump tests, did the borehole water usage study for
both boreholes, and hopefully Mike and Garrison are doing the water
quality testing as we speak. We also went to the two satellite
villages of Obodan to see their latrine facilities and they seem like
good candidates for future latrines since they have no current
latrines. One of the satellites is that village that has the broken
water distribution system a bit past the girls senior high school.
Sammy and I are going to go see a plumber right now to see if we can
fix a problem with the latrine, we're probably going to have to buy a
new pipe since the urine flow is clogged. So today/tomorrow when we
fix the latrine we'll also be able to remove some waste samples for
testing and storage. It looks like we won't be able to go Valleyview
until next week, so we'll go when Winnie arrives. We should be done
with all of our testing and household surveys by the time we meet up
with you Winnie [in a few days...!]" - Suraj, Jan 4 2011

Great work guys!


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